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Is It Permissible For A Muslim Woman To Take Hijab In Front Of Kafir Woman?

Islam is the religion of Fitrah (The natural State. All the orders of Allah (SWT) are very natural and Allah (SWT) wants His men to be the successful ones. The real success lies in the orders of Allah (SWT) and the Sunnah of Muhammad(Peace be upon him). If we show our affiliation to the Holy Quran, we learn and teach Quran then we will be in a better position to understand the core of Islam.

Many people are confused about this question that is it Permissible for a Muslim woman to take Hijab in front of kafir woman? There is nothing wrong if a Muslim woman comes in front of a kafir Woman without Hijab, but yes the private parts have to be covered. Same applies to the Muslim men, they are ordered to lower down their gaze but when it comes to males no matter if they are non believers’ men, it is not a completion to lower down the gaze, but private parts must be covered.

There are many misconceptions about the Islam, some think it’s a religion that doesn’t allow its followers to do anything and it restricts the people by setting too many boundaries. This is a false perception. Islam is the religion which believes in peace and harmony.

The only way to deal with the misconceptions is to learn and teach Quran.  This is how we will understand the true meaning of our existence as Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran: “I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me”

March 1, 2011 Posted by | child, Family School, Free Learn Quran, Free Quran, Home School, Koran, Learning Quran, Online quran learning, Quran, Quran Reading, School, teaching, Teaching Quran | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Improve Your Quran Recitation

(In the Name of Allah (SWT),The  Most Gracious, Most Merciful, all praise and thanks are due to Allah, Lord of the Realms and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger (SAWS) and upon all his family and companions).

Quran Tutor is the one who comes into mind when someone says about learning the Holy Quran or learning the Quran with the right pronunciation. The Holy Quran is the word of Allah Ta’ala and recitation of the Quran is a sensitive matter. There are many places in the Quran which have to be recited with care and attention because if someone recites them with the wrong pronunciation, the whole context and meaning of the verse get changed.

There are many ways to improve the Quran recitation, here are some of them:

Quran Tutor

Make sure the Quran Tutor who teaches you the Quran is experiences and he himself pronounces the Quran rightly.

Shape your tongue according to the pronunciation of Arabic Alphabets

The “tongue” plays a key role in learning the Quran recitation and Tajweed. One must practice hard to shape the tongue according to the Quranic Alphabets.

Practice makes a man perfect

There are many alphabets which have to be pronounced by the throat, they can’t be pronounced well without practice.

Learn Quran vocabulary

It is always important to learn Quranic vocabulary, when someone knows the meaning of the Quran; it’s easy for him to know how to pronounce it so it’s better to improve the vocabulary.

March 1, 2011 Posted by | child, Children Learn, family, Family School, Free Learn Quran, Free Quran, Home School, Koran, Learning Quran, Library, Online quran learning, Post a 2011, Quran, Quran Reading, School, status, teaching, Teaching Quran | 2 Comments

Who we are

We are a registered school in the state of Maryland, USA and also the first one to introduce Online Qur’an Reading Program. Our expert tutors have extensive education and experience in teaching Quran online-while you are able to sit at home and benefit from it directly. Alhamdulillah, we are able to teach the Quran using the Internet worldwide (Most of the countries). We have designed a healthier methodology in teaching by which we motivate young children and make it interesting for them to learn Quran at home.

With the help of World-Class software, students are able to view Arabic script and read live with their instructor. Most home-based academies avoid using paid software and thus use complex free Net meeting which creates problems in student-instructor communication…but we, on the other hand use up to the merit Software which enables immediate interaction and feedback between student and instructor. An assigned tutor sits in our state of the art office and the student sits at his/ her home. High quality software used by us allows for a face-to-face experience. We have on-site management staff as well who ensure this communication process runs smoothly.

We are currently teaching more than 500 students in several countries including Canada, UK, USA, Australia, Singapore . Our students range from age 4   years to above. Moreover, our tutors have:

  • 8 years of Islamic Degree
  • Memorization of Entire Quran
  • In depth training in Tajweed
  • Several years of Quran teaching experience
  • professional training from us on how to better motivate children for learning

February 26, 2011 Posted by | child, Children Learn, family, Family School, Free Learn Quran, Free Quran, Home School, Koran, Learning Quran, Library, Online quran learning, Post a 2011, Quran, Quran Reading, School, status, teaching, Teaching Quran, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Online Quran Recitation with Ease for Your Betterment

Online Quran Recitation
Quran recitation is the religious duty of every Muslim.  In saheed Sunnah, it is encouraged to do the recitation of Quran in a melodious voice by making the voice more melodious and interesting. Making melodious does not mean that it should be made more in singing tone but once should at least recite in a good tone so that he/she himself feels good while listening to it and others also feel good while listening to it.


Sahih Hadith says” “Allah never listens to anything as He listens to a Prophet with a beautiful voice reciting the Qur’an out loud”. This shows the importance of the Quran recitation in a melodious voice.  Further, in another Hadith it is mentioned that, “He is not one of us who does not recite Qur’an in a melodious voice when reciting it out loud.”

Some Hadith shows that Quran recitation does not simple encompass recitation for the sake of fulfilling the duty, but it includes fulfillment of the duty with interest and harmony.  It is always soothing to hear a melodious Quran recitation. Internet has made this even easier by providing beautiful online Quran recitation, which can be accessed from all over the world.

No matter which Qari (the one recited Quran) you would like to listen to, is it Ghamdi, Sudais, Shuraim or any other, you will find online Quran recitation in his voice on internet. You can improve your Tilawat/recitation by listening to him. This is the best way to even improve your Tajweed.  Online Quran recitation is for your ease and betterment.  Make sure you benefit from it.

February 25, 2011 Posted by | child, Children Learn, family, Free Learn Quran, Home School, Learning Quran | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Reading Quran

Nine Grand Benefits of Reading Quran

The benefits of recitation and reflective informed the Quran give been reported extensively from Muslims students, spurious Hadith narrations, also for in the Quran itself. The 1st benefit is:

1 – Reading and reflective over the Quran fulfills a Muslim duty.

It has been narrated in Jamey At-Tirmidhi that the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, has said: “Verily he who has nothing from the Quran in his heart, is like an home (which has been) destroyed.”

So, reading and reflective on the Quran has been made obligatory on all Muslims. The directives to learn and reflect on the Quran have come from several teachings of the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, also as from the Quran itself. Recitation and reflective on the Quran follows, therefore, a Muslim duty which must be fulfilled by all Muslim, regardless of age or gender.

The 2nd benefit of reading and reflective on the Quran is that:

2 – The Qur’an will be an validation as us upon the Day of Judgment.

According to Sahih Islamic the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, accepts too told:  “And the Quran lives an proof as you or against you.” That is the Quran can be find for US or against US upon the Day of Judgment. Imagine a souls term upon the Day of Judgement as everybody would looking even the littlest of good effort to show in his favour and so that they could be saved of the torment from the Fire. What wishful an person’s condition at that moment whenever the Quran becomes a see against him or her because such as a person learn, reflected, and influenced the teachings from the Quran?

3 – The Qur’an will intercede for us on the Day of Judgement.

Allaah, subhana Hu wa Ta’alah, has stated in the Quran that ‘NO intervention will take place (on Day from Judgment) except of His Permission’. What a lucky person he or she wish get on that Day while every soul’s destiny will be hanging on the equaliser and the Quran will mediates upon his or her behalf for they cost the ones who learn Quran, reflected, and acted as on it has teachings.

4 – Your condition in that life history will follow got up.

It has been reported successful Sahih Muslim as recorded from Imam Ahmad that Abu At-Tufayl Aamir bin Wathilah told that Nafi bin Abd-ul-Haarith met Umar bin Al-Khattaab, radiAllaahhu anhu, in the area from Usfan. Umar, radiAllaahhu anhu, had appointed Abu At-Tufayl when the regulator from Makkah. Umar, radiAllaahhu anhu, called for him, “Whom have you appointed because your deputy as the citizenry from The Valley (Makkah)?” `Aamir said, “I’ve appointive Ibn Abza, one by our released slaves, for my deputy.” Umar, radiAllaahhu anhu, exclaimed, “You arrived at an freed slave (a illiterate man) their governor in your absence?” Aamir answered, “O’ Leader from the trusty! He’s memorised Allaah’s Book and has knowledge by regulatings from inheritance on upon beingness an expert judge.” To these Umar, radiAllaahhu anhu, told, “sure, your Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, has said, “Verily, Allaah elevates a few people and degrades other people, upon account by these Book.”

5 – You will be by the better from the people.

Sahih Bukhari cites Uthmaan, radiAllaahhu anhu, for having came to that the Prophet, sallAllaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, let said: “The best of you’re the ones who memorise the Qur’an and learn them to others”.

6 – There is 10 rewards for all letter you recite by the Quran.

It’s comprised reported in Jamey At-Tirmidhi also for Sunan Ad-Darimi that the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, had said: “”whosoever learns a letter of the Book of Allah leave receive a hasanah (good title) by them (i.e. his reading), and the hasanah are multiplied of 10. I don’t read that Alif-Laam-Meem is (considered as) a letter, rather Alif are an letter, Laam is an letter, and Meem are an letter.”

Seven – Those who declaim the Quran will be in the company from the worthy and compliant.

It’s followed related in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that Aa’isha, radiAllaah anha, had said that: “Verily the single who recites the Quran beautifully, smoothly, and exactly, will be in the party from the worthy and obedient angels. And for as the same who recites on trouble, stuttering or stumbling through with it has Ayahs, and so he will have double that honor.”

8 – Your lay in Paradise are determined away the come from Quran you memorize in that life story!

Them has been related in Sunan Abu Dawud and Jamey at-Tirmidhi that the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, got said: “them leave live read to the beholder from the Qur’an: ‘Recite, acclivity, and rattil (recount slow and distinctly) because you wont to rattil in the life story from these world, as verily your degree (in Paradise) is at the last Ayah you learn.”

9 – The Quran wish lead-in you to Paradise!

They are followed accounted in At-Tabarani, upon the authority by ‘Abdullah bin Masud, radiAllaah anhu, that the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam had told: “The Qur’an is a mediator, something applied permit to arbitrate, and it’s truly believed in. Whoever puts them in front by him, it will lead him to Paradise; whosoever puts them behind him, them will steer him to the red region.”

February 23, 2011 Posted by | child, Children Learn, family, Family School, Free Learn Quran, Free Quran, Home School, Koran, Learning Quran, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Importance of Kindness in the Holy Quran

The religion of Islam greatly encourages peace, love, kindness, and compassion. In the Quran, there are several verses about these traits. Prohibition of racism in Islam The racism is strictly prohibited in the religion of Islam. The Quran very successfully explains the reason of the creation of different races. Consider the following verse from the Holy Quran. “O mankind! We created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know and honor each other (not that you should despise one another). Indeed the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah(God) is the most righteous.” Chapter 49, Verse 13 The Holy Quran in this verse does not only tell that the racism is not allowed but it also tells that all the human beings are equal in the eyes of Allah Almighty. Only the Muslim who fulfils his duties is better in the eyes of Allah(God). Islam prefers impartiality These days the so-called Muslims attack the faith and belief of the people belonging to religions other than the Islam. However, in the Quran, the impartiality is recommended and praised by the Almighty. “Allah(God) does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those who have neither fought against your faith nor driven you out of your homes. In fact Allah(God) loves the equitable.” Chapter 60, Verse 8 Islam encourages forgiveness The religion of Islam encourages forgiveness. Although forgiveness is something hard to practice, however Allah almighty promises too large a reward to ignore. Consider the verse of the Quran, which is mentioned as follows. “Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden (paradise) whose width is that of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous – Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity or in adversity, who restrain (their) anger and pardon (all) men – for Allah(God) loves those who do good.” Chapter 3, Verses 133-134 Some kind deeds according to a verse of the Holy Quran The following is a very beautiful verse from the Holy Quran. “And what will explain to you what the steep path is? It is the freeing of a (slave) from bondage; or the giving of food in a day of famine to an orphan relative, or to a needy in distress. Then will he be of those who believe, enjoin fortitude, and encourage kindness and compassion.” Chapter 90, Verses 12-17 In this verse of the Holy Quran, some of the kind deeds are explained which hold significance in the eyes of the Almighty. Human slavery is a grave problem even today. Islam has recognized the problem and encouraged people to free slaves. Other than that, feeding the hungry and/or poor is also a great deed in Islam. It earns many virtues for the people who do this. The orphans are given a lot of importance in Islam. Looting the wealth of the orphans either blatantly or by trick is a great sin. All the Muslims should try to learn the Holy Quran to make sure that they are on the right path.

February 14, 2011 Posted by | child, Children Learn, family, Family School, Free Learn Quran, Free Quran, Home School, Koran, Learning Quran, Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Sources for Muhammad’s life

Historiography of early Islam and Historicity of Muhammad(peace be upon him)

Being a highly influential historical figure, Muhammad’s(peace be upon him) life, deeds, and thoughts have been debated by followers and opponents over the centuries, which makes a biography of him difficult to write.[10]


Muslims regard the Qur’an as the primary source of knowledge about the historical Muhammad.[10] The Qur’an has a few allusions to Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) life.[21] The Encyclopaedia of Islam says that the Qur’an responds “constantly and often candidly to Muhammad’s(peace be upon him) changing historical circumstances and contains a wealth of hidden data.”[10]

February 8, 2011 Posted by | child, Children Learn, family, Family School, Free Learn Quran, Free Quran, Home School, Koran, Learning Quran | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Names and appellations in the Qur’an

The name Muhammad means “Praiseworthy” and occurs four times in the Qur’an.[17] The Qur’an addresses Muhammad in the second person not by his name but by the appellations prophet, messenger,  servant of Allah (‘abd), announcer (bashir), warner (nathir), reminder  (mudhakkir), witness (shahid),  bearer of good tidings (mubashshir), one who calls [unto Allah] (dā‘ī) and the light-giving lamp (siraj munir). Muhammad is sometimes addressed by designations deriving from his state at the time of the address: thus he is referred to as the enwrapped (al-muzzammil) in Qur’an 73:1 and the shrouded (al-muddaththir) in Qur’an 74:1.[18] In the Qur’an, believers are not to distinguish between the messengers of Allah and are to believe in all of them (Sura Al-Baqara 2:285). Allah has caused some messengers to excel above others 2:253 and in Sura Al-Ahzab 33:40 He singles out Muhammad as the “Seal of the Prophets”.[19] The Qur’an also refers to Muhammad as Aḥmad “more praiseworthy” (Arabic: أحمد‎, Sura As-Saff 61:6).

February 8, 2011 Posted by | child, Children Learn, family, Family School, Free Learn Quran, Free Quran, Home School, Koran, Learning Quran | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Muhammad’s wives and Ahl al-Bayt

Muhammad‘s(peace be upon him) life is traditionally defined into two periods: pre-hijra (emigration) in Mecca (from 570 to 622), and post-hijra in Medina (from 622 until 632). Muhammad(peace be upon him) is said to have had thirteen wives or concubines (there are differing accounts on the status of some of them as wife or concubine[48] [49 All but two of his marriages were contracted after the migration to Medina.
At the age of 25, Muhammad(peace be upon him) married the wealthy Khadijah bint Khuwaylid who was 40 years old at that time.[50] The marriage lasted for 25 years and was a happy one.[51] Muhammad(peace be upon him) relied upon Khadija in many ways and did not enter into marriage with another woman during this marriage.[52][53] After the death of Khadija, it was suggested to Muhammad(peace be upon him) by Khawla bint Hakim that he should marry Sawda bint Zama, a Muslim widow, or Aisha, daughter of Um Ruman and Abu Bakr of Mecca. Muhammad(peace be upon him) is said to have asked her to arrange for him to marry both.[54]

Traditional sources dictate that Aisha was six or seven years old when betrothed to Muhammad(peace be upon him)[54][55][56] but the marriage was not consummated until she was nine or ten years old.[54][55][57][58][59] While the majority of traditional sources indicate Aisha was 9 (and therefore a virgin) at the time of marriage, a small number of more recent writers have variously estimated her age at 15 to 24.[60][61][62][63]

Later, Muhammad(peace be upon him) married additional wives, nine of whom survived him.[49] Aisha, who became known as Muhammad’s(peace be upon him) favourite wife in Sunni tradition, survived him by many decades and was instrumental in helping to bring together the scattered sayings of Muhammad(peace be upon him) that would form the Hadith literature for the Sunni branch of Islam.[54]

After migration to Medina, Muhammad(peace be upon him) (who was now in his fifties) married several women. These marriages were contracted mostly for political or humanitarian reasons, these wives being either widows of Muslims who had been killed in the battles and had been left without a protector, or belonging to important families or clans whom it was necessary to honor and strengthen alliances.[64]

Muhammad(peace be upon him) did his own household chores and helped with housework, such as preparing food, sewing clothes and repairing shoes. Muhammad(peace be upon him) is also said to have had accustomed his wives to dialogue; he listened to their advice, and the wives debated and even argued with him.[65][66][67]

Khadijah is said to have borne Muhammad(peace be upon him) four daughters (Ruqayyah bint Muhammad, Umm Kulthum bint Muhammad, Zainab bint Muhammad, Fatimah Zahra) and two sons (Abd-Allah ibn Muhammad and Qasim ibn Muhammad) who both died in childhood. All except two of his daughters, Fatimah and Zainab, died before him.[68] Shi’a scholars contend that Fatimah was Muhammad’s(peace be upon him) only daughter.[69] Maria al-Qibtiyya bore him a son named Ibrahim ibn Muhammad, but the child died when he was two years old.[68]

Muhammad‘s(peace be upon him)  descendants through Fatimah are known as sharifs, syeds or sayyids. These are honorific titles in Arabic, sharif meaning ‘noble’ and sayed or sayyid meaning ‘lord’ or ‘sir’. As Muhammad’s(peace be upon him) only descendants, they are respected by both Sunni and Shi’a, though the Shi’as place much more emphasis and value on their distinction.[70]

February 7, 2011 Posted by | child, Children Learn, family, Family School, Free Learn Quran, Free Quran, Home School, Koran, Learning Quran, Library, Online quran learning, Post a 2011, Quran, Quran Reading, School, status, teaching, Teaching Quran | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Learning Quran

The Teaching Quran site allows you to find number of courses they are offering, be it memorization Quran, Tajweed Quran Tarteel, Tafseer and even Recitation, etc. Teaching Quran had made it possible in their new website that you can choose either a ready made Quran education package or you may choose a custom made Quran education package. In either case, Teaching Quran team of specialised Quran teachers is around to help you 24/7 and all days of week including Saturdays and Sundays and 365 days an year.

Moreover, There are number of options to choose from before you hire your qualified Quran Teacher, demo lessons allow you to watch demo movies, which also display you their Quran teacher teaching Quran online, including you may see the number of Quran reading students taking Quran classes online, this helps you better understand the kind of service they offer including the techniques they use in teaching Quran.

Teaching Quran Reading is all about a Professional Quran School equipped with current age tools, trends and communication devices to provide you Quran classes’ online, hire Teaching Quran in order to learn and teach Quran, get completely Free Quran lessons and be a true Muslim as said by Allah(God) – The almighty and our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) SA.

In short, no matter you are looking to learn, read and write Arabic, Urdu language their specialist team of skilled language tutors may provide you complete Arabic and Urdu learning lessons online so you may learn both Arabic and Urdu from anywhere in world. If you need Quran lessons for Tafseer, Tajweed, Qiraat, how to read Quran Qaida, memorization and tajweed course, simply Register today for Quran lessons and see how impressive Teaching Quran classes for Quran learning from anywhere in the world.

February 7, 2011 Posted by | child, Children Learn, family, Family School, Free Learn Quran, Free Quran, Home School, Koran, Learning Quran, Library, Online quran learning, Post a 2011, Quran, Quran Reading, School, status, teaching, Teaching Quran | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment